Have you seen the kind of chain that has a small, flat piece in the center that looks like it can be opened? That portion is referred to as a 12mm anchor chain or a split link. It is a particular type of link that has a tool for easy access, and is used for various purposes. Chain open link main purposes is providing you easy to get to the rest of the chain. That way you can repair the chain if breaking or appending something new to chain if needed. Having the knowledge of safely and correctly opening a chain link is critical. This way you don’t accidentally break the chain and you also don’t hurt yourself while handling the tool.
It may sound difficult that one breaks a chain link with a tool, but it is actually straightforward, and everybody can do so! You only need a tool that can grip and pull the chain link apparent, such as a pair of pliers. To help you open a chain link properly the first time, here’s a simple guideline:
Twist to Open: If the ends of the pliers are in the right place, and you have a firm grip on the handles, gently twist them in opposite directions. If one part of the pliers turns left, the other part should turn right. By twisting it that way, it will pull the link apart, and allow it to open easily.
Most Popular Types of Chain open Link: Spring Link: Spring link is the most commonly used type of 14k anchor chain. It has a spring mechanism inside then, as it sounds, it can be kept closed. You can open it just by squeezing the sides of the link. This one is especially handy for fast connections.
Slip Link: The slip link, this one is sort of like a spring link, only it functions a little differently. There is no spring mechanism on it. Instead, it uses a secure fit between the two parts of the link to keep it closed. You slide one half of the link out from the other half to open it. This comes in handy when you want a spring-free connection (see below).
Open links may matter for strength and safety. They make it quick and easy to remove or repair broken links in a chain. So instead of wasting that entire chain because only one link is broken, you can repair just that link at a reasonable cost. Open link chains offer even greater flexibility in use. Let's say the chain is too long for your needs: the open link allows you to simply remove a link to make it shorter. This avoids accidents that might occur if the chain did not fit correctly. And chains with open links are typically easier to clean and simpler to take care of. Routine care may extend their longevity and keep them functioning smoothly for a longer period of time.
Make Sure They’re Clean: Dirt, grime, and grit can accumulate in your chain open links and cause them to wear out earlier than they ought to. To avoid this, attempt to keep them clean from time to time using a soft-bristled brush and a few water. It will remove dirt and keep the links shiny and functional.